What Is a Breast Lift with Implants?

A breast lift with implants (augmentation/mastopexy) is an advanced cosmetic surgery designed to comprehensively rejuvenate the breasts by combining the “lifting” effect of a breast lift (mastopexy) with added volume and improved aesthetic quality that can be achieved through placement of implants (breast augmentation). When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, a breast lift with implants can create firmer, more lifted, and more proportionate breasts that compliment the entire physique.

Brian Miller, MD, our board-certified plastic surgeon, has helped many patients achieve their ideal figure with breast lift surgery, breast augmentation, and a number of other cosmetic procedures. In a warm, welcoming environment, he can customize your treatment plan to address your aesthetic goals while enhancing the natural beauty of your body. Read on for more important information about the breast lift with implants procedure!

What Can a Breast Lift with Implants Accomplish?

A breast lift with implants is often ideal for women who desire fuller, perkier breasts for a more youthful breast contour. It is a highly popular procedure that can accomplish the following:

Who Is a Candidate for a Breast Lift With Implants?

Ideal candidates for a breast lift with implants typically experience sagging breasts and are unhappy with the appearance of their current breast size. Patients may deal with “drooping” breasts, downward-facing nipples, lost breast volume, and asymmetrical breasts.

Pregnancy could affect breast contour and shape, and many desire to restore their pre-baby breasts. It is recommended that women who plan to get pregnant or experience significant weight fluctuations postpone the procedure. Those physical changes may affect the results of breast lift surgery.

Dr. Miller can determine your candidacy for breast lift with implants surgery during your initial consultation. If this procedure is right for your needs, he can develop a personalized treatment plan designed to meet your goals with exceptional results.

What Types of Implants Are Available?

At Miller Plastic Surgery, we carry multiple breast implant options to fit our patients’ individual cosmetic needs and goals.

How Is the Breast Lift with Implants Procedure Performed?

A breast lift with implants treatment is typically conducted as an outpatient procedure with general anesthesia. As this surgery combines elements of two separate procedures, the precise course of action may vary slightly depending on the natural position and size of the breasts. That said, the incisions are usually placed similarly to those in a traditional breast lift (i.e. the “anchor”, “lollipop”, or rarely “donut” style). From there, Dr. Miller excises any excess skin and lifts and reshapes the underlying breast tissue. Then, he inserts the implants into the desired locations. Dr. Miller can also contour and reposition the nipples as needed during the surgery.

What Is Recovery from a Breast Lift with Implants Like?

To ensure a successful recovery, Dr. Miller usually recommends that patients take off a week or two from sedentary work, and up to six weeks off from strenuous physical work. Some people may experience mild soreness, swelling, or bruising, all of which can be mitigated with pain medication. It is typically okay and recommended that patients do gentle stretching and light walking during the initial weeks of recovery; however, any strenuous exercise or intense activity should be avoided until six weeks after treatment.

After the healing process is over, patients can delight in their firmer, fuller, and more youthful-looking breasts. For examples of Dr. Miller’s exceptional surgical skill, we invite you to view his patients’ breast lift with implants before-and-after photos.

What Are the Typical Results of a Breast Lift with Implants?

A breast lift is designed to elevate drooping breasts and provide lifted, long-lasting results. Additionally, breast implants can produce a fuller, more enhanced bustline. To potentially prolong their results, patients are advised to maintain a stable weight through a healthy and active lifestyle, and to be finished having children and breastfeeding before pursuing the procedure. Wearing an appropriate post-surgical bra day and night for 6-12 weeks is also important in optimizing the result. Sunscreen use is also recommended to protect the chest from damaging sun exposure. These suggestions can help the results of breast lift and breast implants last long into the future for many patients.

What Will My Augmentation/Mastopexy Scars Look Like?

Scarring after surgical procedures like mastopexy and breast augmentation is inevitable; however, Dr. Miller takes great care to minimize visible scarring and will perform incisions on natural creases underneath the breasts when possible. These techniques can help reduce the appearance of scars and make them easier to conceal.

How Much Does a Breast Lift with Implants Cost?

The cost of a breast lift with implants varies from patient to patient. A customized treatment plan developed after the initial consultation takes into account each patient’s individual needs and goals. Factors that may contribute to the overall price of the procedure include:

If you would like more information about the breast lift with implants procedure, please book a consultation by calling us at (250) 868-4870 or by filling out our online contact form.